Job Listings

Tenure Track Assistant Professor Position at University of Illinois

The Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign invites applications for a full-time tenure track Assistant Professor of Psychology in the area of visual cognition. We welcome applications from a wide variety of scholars. We are particularly interested in candidates whose research area involves visualization and visual reasoning, possibly with connections to visual communication and design. We especially encourage applications from scholars who are well versed in statistical and computational techniques and research design, and who incorporate efforts to improve reproducibility and replicability in the field..  For more information, see their job posting. For questions about the position or application procedures you may contact Jane Jukes at

Tenure Track Assistant Professor Position at Kansas State University

The Department of Psychological Sciences at Kansas State University is requesting applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor with a technical specialization in transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or repetitive TMS (rTMS) methods, to begin in August 2023. The faculty member will join a research-based Ph.D.-granting department with programmatic areas of Cognitive/Human Factors, Social/Personality, Industrial/Organizational, Animal Learning/Behavioral Neuroscience ( They will contribute significantly to the Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity (CNAP; Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE). The CNAP center received a COBRE Phase 2 award in July 2022 for $11.2M to support a further five years of research activity and infrastructure developments. As a part of the Phase 2 award, CNAP is adding state-of-the-art TMS/rTMS  capabilities, and is searching for a faculty member to provide technical expertise to the Cognitive Neuroscience core in TMS/rTMS methods. The faculty member will also participate in CNAP programs, including project and pilot grant funding. Ideally, the faculty member’s research interests should intersect with the CNAP center mission and fit within one of the Psychological Sciences programmatic research areas. Further details can be found at: