Speaker Information

Jessica K Witt

Colorado State University


Professor (Associate, Full, Senior Lecturer or above)

Talk Topics: Keywords and/or titles (recommended)

Visualizing Uncertainty
Graph Design and the Visual System
Signal Detection Theory and Interpretation related to Perceptual Biases
Action's Effect on Spatial Perception


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Dr. Jessica Witt received her Ph.D from the University of Virginia in 2007. Her research focuses on two areas: Information Visualization and Action-specific Perception.

Research on information visualization leverages knowledge about the visual system for constructing visualizations (graphs, pictographs, charts) to enhance understanding of simple and complex information. Her work focuses on basic graph design as well as applications to medical decision making and climate change.

Her research on action-specific perception focuses on how a person's ability to act affects spatial perception. For example, softball players hitting better see the ball as bigger.

Dr. Witt won the APA's Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology (2017), the Janet Taylor Spence Award for transformative early career contributions from APS (2015) and the Steve Yantis Early Career Award from the Psychonomic Society (2014).