Tara Lynn Alvarez
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Professor (Associate, Full, Senior Lecturer or above)
convergence insufficiency, vergence, functional MRI, office-based vergence and accommodative therapy, presbyopia, progressive additive lenses
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The mission of my research is to understand the underlying neural mechanisms that lead to a sustained reduction in visual symptoms and to take that knowledge, integrated with technology, to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic interventions that can be used for personalized point-of-care. I am a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, authored over 180 papers and conference proceedings, hold 6 patents, and mentored 54 graduate students. My current research is leading an NIH registered randomized clinical trial study the binocular dysfunction known as convergence insufficiency which is present in about 5% of the general population. Symptoms of this condiction include double and blurred vision, headaches, and reading slowly which negatively impacts doing near work such are working on a computer or smartphone. Currently, I am studying vision dysfunction with concussion in the civilian and military populations.