Speaker Information

Dominique Lamy

Tel Aviv University


Professor (Associate, Full, Senior Lecturer or above)

Talk Topics: Keywords and/or titles (recommended)

What is the function of visual awareness?
What factors guide visual attention?
The role of selection history in visual search


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Prof. Dominique Lamy completed her PhD at Tel Aviv University in 2000 under the supervision of Prof. Yehoshua Tsal. Her dissertation focused on the role of spatial information in visual search. From 1999 to 2001, she was a post-doctoral fellow in Prof. Howard Egeth's lab at Johns Hopkins University. In 2001, she was appointed to Tel Aviv University where she currently serves as a Full Professor in the Psychology department and in the Sagol School of Neuroscience. Her research focuses on three related topics: salience-driven and goal-directed guidance of visual attention, the influence of implicit memory on visual search and the role of conscious awareness in visual processing.