Anya Christine Hurlbert
Newcastle University
Professor (Associate, Full, Senior Lecturer or above)
Colour perception / Illumination / Light / Non-visual system / Visual art / Colour imaging / Colour vision deficiencies ("colour blindness")
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Anya Hurlbert is Professor of Visual Neuroscience, Director of the Centre for Translational Systems Neuroscience and Dean of Advancement at Newcastle University. She co-founded Newcastle’s Institute of Neuroscience in 2003, serving as its co-Director until 2014. Hurlbert’s research focuses on colour perception and its role in everyday visual and cognitive tasks. Other research interests include the effects of light on human behaviour and aesthetic experience, and applied areas such as digital imaging and novel lighting technologies. Professor Hurlbert is active in the public understanding of science, and has devised science-based art exhibitions, including an interactive installation at the National Gallery, London, for its 2014 summer exhibition Making Colour. She is former Chairman of the Colour Group (GB) and Scientist Trustee of the National Gallery, and currently on the editorial boards of Current Biology and Journal of Vision.