Catherine Manning
University of Reading
Assistant Professor/Lecturer
1. Sensory processing in children with dyslexia / autism
2. The development of motion processing / perceptual decision-making
3. Disentangling sensory and decisional aspects of autistic perception
4. Computational/EEG approaches to typical and atypical perceptual development
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I completed my PhD investigating visual motion processing in typically developing and autistic children at the Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE) at the UCL Institute of Education, London in 2014 (supervised by Professors Liz Pellicano and Tony Charman). I then moved to the University of Oxford to take up the Scott Family Junior Research Fellowship in Autism and Related Disorders. I then held a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Oxford, with periods of time spent at Stanford University and University of Amsterdam, working with Professors Gaia Scerif, Tony Norcia and EJ Wagenmakers. I am now a lecturer (equivalent assistant professor) at University of Reading and I am conducting research into visual processing in typically developing, autistic and dyslexic children using a combination of psychophysics, computational modelling and EEG techniques.