
Networking: view previous FoVea Travel and Networking Award Recipients post-award reports on networking.

Negotiation: When To Do It and How To Do It Successfully: Slide Presentation Marisa Carrasco and Allison Sekuler and accompanying Lesson Sheet  by Linda Ginzel.

Faculty salaries in the US from Chronicle of Higher Education.

Speaker Lists

FoVea Speaker List, highlighting female vision scientists

Anne’s List, highlighting female system neuroscientists.

DSC Speaker List, the Diversify Stem Conference list highlighting underrepresented scientists across every field of STEM.

NeuroNeXXt, a network for women in Neuroscience.

Links to other webpages:

Athena SWAN charter (UK gender equality charter)

Gender Equity Project

MyGradSkill Find Your Future Resource Portal

NCSES publishes latest Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering report

Vision Science Society

Women in Cognitive Science (WiCS)

The Future of Women in Psychological Science in Perspectives on Psychological Science.